Unexpected garden watering!

The last week has been very busy preparing for our open garden event in one week. You can imagine my surprise and shock when I came out of the house to hear a very strange sound coming from our large pond. On close inspection I discovered that the hose to the water fall and rill had separated and the pond had emptied overnight on to the garden.18_06_08_8746Fortunately I had put the pump on a concrete block so that the pump had not totally drained the pond and the fish were safe.18_06_08_8747Exactly where all this water went I have no idea but I will not need to water this part of the garden for some time. To give you an idea of the amount of water I have been refilling it with a garden hose turned full on. I estimate it will take up to sixteen hours to replenish the water.17_05_23_5810So just one more thing to sort out for our open day!

2018 Gardening Hours
Week beginning June 2nd Total 2018 to-date Average per week
53 377 17


16 thoughts on “Unexpected garden watering!

  1. Just what you don’t need! Will the fresh water cause problems too? The pond before was well established and in equilibrium; you might need a straw bail, or maybe it’s barley – I’m not an expert.

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  2. I bet your heart sank as you realized what was happening. I hope the fishes and the plants all recover quickly. You will definitely need your mucking boots nearby.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh my! That happened to a client’s koi pond, and drained all but the last two feet or so of water. Miraculously, ALL the koi were fine. Once the water was replenished, they were swimming about as if nothing had happened!

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  4. Pingback: Too much sun after Hoby Open Gardens | Glebe House Garden

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